Tuesday, April 27, 2021

And Yesterday I Was Mr. Delivery Man: Wind-Up Toys, Notebooks, and Children's Books as Part of the Drop-off

When the first class is at 8 a.m. and we're joined by 4th graders at 9:45 and you learn they're having a 1 p.m. pizza party, you get your act in gear.

In my garage have been notebooks and children's books meant for summer, but when I learned Leigh Savoie's 4th graders won a pizza party for a reading contest (and knowing it was our last service-learning day), I decided to put an Amazon sticker outside of my car and to make special deliveries.

Actually, they were recipients of candy, wind-up toys, and a new book for their classroom, thanking them for incredible participation this semester.

The children's books were for Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (which was down the road) and for the Harding Presidents (which was on the other side of town). I had many things stored in my trunk, with more in the garage, so after teaching I opted to make house calls...well, school and an IRIS call. Sadly, I wasn't allowed in the buildings, so couldn't see the smiles, but I'm sure they were thoroughly enjoyed.

I slept last night thinking about the sudden innovation and expansion grants being offered in Connecticut, and how CWP might assist K-12 schools in designing in-school summer programming that will benefit the joy the work requires. It is very strange to be doing the work we have for so many years, then seeing a call for doing the same work....but, alas, not at the University, because they've closed their spaces to the Young Adult Literacy Labs this summer. So, my brain was stirring in a million directions for the best, most sustainable, and successful design. 

Meanwhile, a great prompt again for #verselove on EthicalELA. Yesterday, it was all about who I wanted to become and just as I read it, my favorite unicorn rode his bike by my house. I've been looking to write about him for years, as he travels all day long listening to honkey tonk music. I want to be him. 

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