Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Small, Yet Powerful. Tried a Trick I Used to Do with Seniors Last Night Since So Many Were Absent. We Filled Up the Whiteboards with Possibilities.

Accidents. Covid. Exhaustion. Stress. I'm not sure what's going on, but post mid-mester they are calling out left and right. As a result, I had to change plans a bit with content delivery, so I went with an old favorite: Let's design a question we're asking for a final project and instead of answering that question, let's all go around the room and ask questions of the question. Because we are few, I said, "You need to do at least 4 laps so that every Whiteboard is filled." 

The reading was on Writing to Learn, Writing to Inquiry, and Writing with Exploration, so this oldie, but goodie, activity seemed to work. We used to do it by passing papers with seniors in high school, but there was enough Whiteboards for all in attendance, so we passed our selves around the room.

The activity helped tie course readings to action for the week, while also aiding initial thinking for the final project where they must think like writing instructors, designing lessons and curriculum that will best help students achieve written outcomes. As always, I'm pushing them to think through, "How will you help ALL kids to reach the outcome you desire?"

I'm always amazed how quiet it gets when doing this activity and how helpful it ends up becoming as students design their projects. "Hey, if someone asked the question of your question, you might want to have an answer for it in the final project, no?"

Meanwhile, day 3 of 14-hours is ahead. The cherry on the week is jury duty on Friday. I look like I was hit by a truck because, well, it's that time of year. I know this because my psoriasis are on fire, spitting dragon flames through my pants. Nature's way of showing stress when I simply want to appear like I'm on top of everything. 

Okay. Better post this...have to hit the first meeting by 8. 

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