Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Awww, @angiecthomas, I Have a Christmas Karal for You (Well, for Kobe). Actually, There's No Singing. There's Just Today's Post (with no audio)

Believe it or not, I'm roasting my 2nd turkey. This one for Tunga, who returned to Stamford - a turkey given to him at his job. I tried something new, and went totally Cajun with this one, and am hoping he can have lunch meat from it. "Oh, Dad. As if."

While it cooked, I completed my 14-hour day with planning instruction for class tonight and tomorrow. Since I'm trapped in meetings all day, there's no time to work in the teaching (which is what I'm technically paid to do). I'm glad I put up the tree on Sunday, so I can now welcome December (oh, snap, that's tomorrow, not today) with lights. I'm also happy to report that Karallyne Caramel Kharma Carrot Cake Crandall is content. She did a tree sniff-down and settled into her bed like a pro. I also have lights in the Bay Window and I'm looking forward to getting photos of her there, too (where she sleeps all day). 

Anyway, I'm enthralled by Angie Thomas's posts on Twitter, as she adopted Kobe about the same time I got Karal. I'm amused by the love she has for her pupperdoodle and I can totally relate (except I have yet to have the secretion issue, even if I know plenty a dog-owner who knows it too well...cough cough, Jake). Karal got a stomach virus, but is doing much, much better today. She's back to her hyper, mischievous self, so seeing her settle in a bed at night simply makes me happy. And yes, I got the bed because she's obsessed with Jake's bed...kicks him out whenever we visit.

A note on the tree: it is a hand-me-down. I went the majority of my adult life without a tree (just my Snowman with branches coming out of his head), but since moving to Mt. Pleasant, I've chosen to put up a tree. I have ornaments from this or that occasion, plus ones my mom has given to me. This year, I have my Flock-of-Seagulls Halloween costume on there, too (the white birds). It's a tree that has been put up since 2015, and I see the ornament with me, Chitunga, and Glamis. This time last year, I had no idea that my 6-year old dog would get so, so sick. It all came so fast, and I'm lucky to have Karal here as a replacement to keep my mind right and to move forward. It's also the first year that the kid is in his first big-boy apartment so it is extra quiet. I should get him a tree so he can start his own traditions. 

I'm laughing at myself, too, because in my head Karal is totally being courted by Kobe. They're the same age and I'm up in Connecticut thinking, "Hey, lady-girl. You can't go wrong with Angie Thomas's dog. I'm all for that. I mean, it's Angie Thomas." 

But then I'm just thinking, "Love is love is love," and I know that Kobe is loved like Karal is loved. I also know how calming, centralizing, and chaotic joy a dog brings to a household. That's where I absolutely connect with Thomas's Kobe posts. I get it. I appreciate it. And I love them.

My next steps are to costume Karal and to make a few holiday carols for friends and family. I am pushing my luck, however, hoping she might settle in her new bed put before the tree. Well, after two days, she did. Now, if only I had a fire place or wood-burning stove....my life would be complete. Actually, if Karal and Kobe became pen pals...well, that might complete it. 

Kidding. Just thankful for any and all dog-lovers out there. It's Giving Tuesday. Who are you giving to?

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