Saturday, August 28, 2021

It's Editing Season. A Summer of Teachers and Youth Writing, and Now Time to Clean it Up for the Power of Words

I don't think you've lived until you've read 100s of middle and high school writers, composing their imaginations. It's entertaining, really, and impressive. Ah, but you get the kids who are not necessarily writers, but come at the request of parents. At times, I get to these pieces and think, "Okay, Crandall. Help this kid to make some kind of sense...any sense." As with grading, the ones that take the longest are the ones that needs to the most support. It's different, though, because it's at a point it simply needs to be cleaned up for publication. When there is no plot, no reason, and a kid simply offers a litany of chaotic ideas, I have to think hard. Make it work. Figure a little something out to make it flow towards...well, something.
One day, and I'm about 10% of the way through. My goal is to have a clean edition of POW! before classes begin in two weeks. I learned with sabbatical that getting one project out of the way makes room for the other projects that fly at you quickly and with great need. Best not have it hovering over my head.

So, it looks like another 70 hours or so before I can see the surgeon for the follow up, and to learn what progress was made and what I'll be able to do next. I'm still laying low, because I haven't been cleared, and truth be told, there's not much I can do without still feeling pain. And I tire way too quickly. The napping part of this has been hard because I don't have control. But I'm a go-go-go type, so the guilt of being so unproductive piles up and causes depression. I'm trying to ride with it, but it is frustrating.

I'm thankful the humidity and temperatures have broken. Today, 72, and overcast. I'll take it. There's been nothing but steam outside.

Alas, it's a Saturday. Tunga's coming home to help out with yard work and I look forward to connecting with him. His schedule is intense, like mine usually all-day gig.

Today, I'm going back to the kid and teacher writing. I'm determined to cross this off the list before Fall semester. It might not be sent to print, but I want it as close as I can make it. 

Enjoy the day, people. It's what we got.

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