Tuesday, March 23, 2021

But, Tom! It's Only Tuesday. When You Realize More Than Halfway Through the Semester There Are No Breaks.

I was on the calendar committee that set the academic calendar for 2020 and 2021, but this was set way before Covid and realize quick changes needed to be made suddenly. For this semester, I remember vaguely hearing about adjustments a later start in the semester and because of this, there'd be no Spring Break; instead. there'd be a tapping onto Easter Break. I put the syllabus together, began teaching, and maintained my other usual obligations. I didn't put much thought into. Perhaps this is why I honestly pulled out the syllabus last night to see if there was a way to cancel this week or next. 

The students and faculty are fried. 

I realized last night that I can't keep my eyes open and my brain is absolutely spent. Humans need breaks, and I know academics are notorious for rarely taking them, but this non-stop go, go, go seems somewhat cruel. There are few windows in the semester to rejuvenate...heal...recoup. And that's the problem. And poor K-12 teachers. It's in the profession to uphold integrity, spirit, and hope. But that can be too much without a little breathing room.

See, I have a zit in my ear and its driving me nuts. That's the real truth. It's so deep in my ear that I can't reach it, and the more I try to reach it, the more I'm afraid I'm agitating it more. Last night when I rolled over on that ear, I immediately woke up and that caused for sleeplessness (and, of course, on Mondays I have my early a.m. class - not sure that is healthy for anyone). So, today, Tuesday, I'm exhausted.

I've told everyone that Tuesdays have quickly become my Fridays, and my weekends are spent catching up from the week, and now I'm realizing there really has been ZERO flexibility since January 2. I'm taping my eyelids open and hoping for the ear zit to go away.

But I did get Covid Shot #1. I have no side effects, except for this blue liquid leaking from my nostrils and urethra, and suddenly my toes are webbed like I'm aqua man. It's all good, though. I like the color blue and the webs will come in handy whenever I go swimming again. 

I do want, however, a weekend in a hotel with no interruptions, no technology, no obligations, and just an incredible bed with fantastic pillows. I laugh at that vision, though, because if I get a hotel, the likelihood I'm in my room is scant...I'm too busy exploring the area of where the hotel resides. I rarely sit still. I think the problem this semester is that I rarely sit still while sitting still in an office chair and on a laptop. The same pace is kept, but it's all in digital la la land.

Okay. I have ZOOM meetings scheduled every hour of the day today until I teach tonight. Fingers crossed I make it until 9 pm tonight. 

How fun would it be just to have an hour to chase a mouse with a broom, Tom?

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