Sunday, March 21, 2021

Temptations are High, as are Responsibilities. When the Winter Temperatures Break and the Skies are Blue....Well...

I tried to temper my spring fever by doing indoor cleaning. This was a disaster, however, as I moved my 2 in' cactus (which was never supposed to grow no more than 2 inches and is now 6'4") and it wiped out on the floor, dropping some of its toxic glue and needles. I was home alone, which meant I had to find a way to lift it by myself without too much harm to my skin. I've learned tricks over the years. The dang thing is huge, and has outgrown 4 pots since I've had it. 

Chitunga came in, right as I finished cleaning up the mess and gave up then on wanting to clean my house. I was having one of those days where I was learning the limitations of how my rooms are constructed. There are only certain ways my furniture fits, which is frustrating, because I want to reimagine everything. I ended up putting every back where it was originally.

And I went to Home Depot with a gift card from Chitunga to buy a new pot, more cactus soil, and a new outdoor pole lamp as I broke ours playing volleyball with Abu one day before heading to the beach. We were fooling around and I spiked it at his head, breaking the lamp. It's been that way for years.

Glamis went in for another treatment, and came back exhausted. She slept outside for two hours then came in to sleep for another 4 before coming downstairs so I could feed her. She has special dietary food for a while and we're hoping the hydration, medicine and new food will help her stomach heal. I just want her sad, hurting eyes to be replaced by her more enthusiastic, playful ones. It's been a rough few weeks. 

Today, the temptation to go outside is going to be more severe, but my need to stay inside is going to be more important. Too much to do and I sort of did lose yesterday to Glamis, walks, and the hope of a new season. Meanwhile, we're learning from nations worldwide and our our own, that we can't be too quick to jump to normal. The sun and the possibility has us biting at the bit, but we can't be irrational and return to stupidity again. 

First shot tomorrow. Fascinating to graduate into another bracket of age-hood. Ah, I'll take it.

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