Saturday, March 27, 2021

I'll Take a Friday Night with Odysseus's Bag of Winds, Sitting in a Chair Looking at a Healing Dog Curled Like a Fox

The best part of weekends are the absence of ZOOM rooms where it happens. The majority of us are without  such space on Saturday and Sundays. It's time for grading, cleaning, processing, and healing. Last night I listened to a dear friend from Louisville reading at a poetry event (seeing names on the ZOOM I haven't thought about in 13 years, and remembering life as it once was, for a brief, yet long, period of my life).

Louisville provided a foundation. I was there, too, when teachers could still make magic in the classroom (oh, they still do, but the powers that be make it more and more difficult...the resignation letters I am reading all over the nation crush me, because I see some of the best throwing in the white flags they've been waving for a very long time). 

I turned off the technology early, and just sat sipping bourbon and letting my mind rest. Edem went to work and Chitunga's taking more accounting exams in Providence. My house is typically quiet, but last night it was extra calm, so I marinated in it.

I also reconnected with an old student...a favorite...almost a non-human soul, and ended up on a voyage of watching his work (via the Internet) over the last 20+ years. He's still 15 in my head, but I know he's mid-thirties. It's so, so strange. 

Okay, Saturday. We need you to keep the Frog focused. The students are about to get very antsy if attention isn't turned to them. You took last night to chill, so now it is time to work.

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