Tuesday, March 9, 2021

It's Been a While for Stripe & Yellow, But We've Reconvened with a Little Imagination & a Zest for Teaching @_silvergal

Glamis had to go in for more bloodwork, so I took a selfie to send to Kathy (aka Yellow) and as soon as I went to send it, I get this one from her, "The glasses are in!" She ordered a pair for every teacher in her school and as luck would have it, they are round just like Milo's. We are so ready to imagine our worlds with educators at Harding High School.

Using Matt de la Peña's Milo Imagines the World and Christian Robinson's brilliant illustration of him, she lucked out with the rounded spectacles (now, if only we thought to get green toboggans). On Wednesday - yikes, tomorrow - we kick off round one of professional development as she brings Higher Order Thinking Skills through the Arts to her teachers. I am there for funk, fun, literacy, and hope - fortunate to emcee the events (all online). 

I can't wait. I have a few more angles to chisel for the debut, as I want the opening act to be as interactive, clever, and timely as possible. When I do PD, I want teachers to say to their administrators, "Why don't we have more of that?" Of course, I can totally bomb, too, but this time, I have a team of crayons, young adult literature, and student voices to guide me. And I have theory...

...plus a sense of humor.

It turns out that Glamis doesn't do jelly sandwiches like she does peanut butter ones. They aren't her jam. With peanut butter, she devours the pills. With jelly, she licks the jelly and pills off the bread and simply eats the bread. I learned this by stepping on the kitchen rug a few seconds ago. I should also point out that walking her and Jake earlier today turned into a disaster after a doggie-bag began to leak like a pastry bag used to decorate cakes. Not a fun walk for Crandall, especially with two rambunctious dogs. 

I am excited to join Fairfield University forces with Harding High School (excited about my hat, too). A few years ago, Kathy and I worked to build a superhero summer camp for graphic novelists and I didn't have a costume. I think I have now found my look. 

I need my morning to continue the work, so I'm cutting this short (besides....so many meetings.....whaaaaaaaa). Here's to your Tuesday. We got this...

We have to. Otherwise we have nothing.

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