Sunday, March 14, 2021

When You ind Yoursel Without an "Eph" Key, Thanks @Apple, You ind Your Universe rustrating, Indeed.

I wanted to awake to a abulous Sunday, with co ee, grading, and inalizing projects but my Apple keyboard is on the  ritz again, as the letters  continue to stick to my  ingers and  ly onto the  loor every time I type. 

Yesterday, I went to Apple a ter making an appointment only to be told, “We’re sorry, you made the appointment  or sales and not with the genius department, so we can’t serve you. We can’t reschedule until  our.”

So, I putzed at home on a  unky keyboard until  our and returned to learn that Apple needs to replace my entire keyboard, on them, because o  a  law in their design. This is on them and they are very aware o it. But they will need the lap top  or  our to  ive days, so I’d have to leave it with them. 

 udge. There’s no way an academic  reak like me can go an hour, let alone  our or  ive days without access to my technology, so now I have to work with  airield University to get a loaner, so I can  eel okay about not having the MacBook Pro that keeps losing its keys at the repair shop  orever. 


I’ve never done a study o  how many hours I spend typing every day, or how many words I commit in a 24-hour period, but it would be interesting as a sel -study. We are so reliant on technology and when it  ails, we’re basically  ucked

So, Sunday, I will continue to go  orward as e. ortlessly as I can, knowing it will be  unky and  reaky as I try to  ind a way to adapt.

 un times. 

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