Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Should Have Known There was a .Gif for Breathing. Needed that. Not the .Gif - I Breathe this Way All the Time (The Reflection). Just Needed the Right Image.

Up at 5, finished 3 hours class/workshop by 7, eat breakfast, drink coffee, deliver, finger snap, applaud, then enter first faculty search research talk, take notes, evaluate, enter departmental conversation (have no idea what's going on), go to candidate teaching demonstration, do National call, go into debriefing session, then look at what needs to be taught tomorrow, see that I have 4 advising sessions, hop online with those, note that no one has a normal trajectory, then go upstairs to check on Glamis, see that she has vomited everywhere (that's two days now). 

And Breathe.

I hope she keeps the food down that she ate last night. She's not keeping anything down.

Meanwhile, my cousin is stopping by with his daughter on their college tour, I have NE Writing Project conference meeting, we have more applicants to vet and I teach, also meeting with high school friend driving through town.


I just want Glamis the Wonderdog to feel better. It's too much for a furry friend to go through. I drove her to Pam's last night in hopes that seeing Jake would stimulate her appetite, which it did for a few kernels of Purina One. I thought the competition for food might kick the appetite in gear. Instead, she just put her head on Pam's lap and looked up at her with sad eyes.

The vet knows. There might be a need for more scans for pancreatic cancer, because it's just abnormal that this is over a month now, and nothing seems to work. Meanwhile, I've always lived with the motto, "I just don't want the poor creatures suffering." 

My poor mom. She endured that with Baby. Took it all in because my CT life couldn't accommodate a dog at the time.

It's too much. 

Inhaling. Exhaling.



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