Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Quote from Last Night's Research: "This is something that has always puzzled me. I mean, my dog will happily eat cat poop. But a pill? Nope. Apparently that’s where she draws the line."

To be honest, I've never seen Glamis the Wonder Dog eating cat poop, but last night when problem-solving week 6 of this weight-loss, stomach issue, I ended up in a rabbit hole of dog issues. To be fair, she's not vomiting anymore, has pep back in her step, and is her usual, under-the-foot nuisance. She did well with three days of vet-recommended canned food, and even took her pills. Then, well, she rejected the food and wouldn't eat it any more. So, I resorted to peanut butter, cheese, and ice cream to get her to take her medicine.

There's comedy to all this. She will eat the dog food if I don't hide her medicine in it. 

No matter how many ways I hide the pills, she finds a way to work around them...all the peanut butter disappears, but the pills remain (even if they are glued into the bread). Ice-cream. A wash. Cheese, she chew and out comes the pills. I do the chin up, drop them in her mouth thing, and she successfully pierces my skin with her teeth. 

I will forever be amazed at how nimble-minded a dog can be, but clever at the same time. She has out-mastered me after two days and I gave up. That's why I resorted to the Internet. 

So there are these Greenie pill pockets that are basically dog treats in disguise (picture the red pit of an olive...that's where it goes)...the Trojan horse. It's not what you think it is! Marshmallows work the same (but who has marshmallows?). Perhaps, "Treat, Treat, Pill, Treat," might work. I haven't tried that yet. There's the 'if you do a trick for me, then I'll trick you an 'award'. I also love that some people even suggest pretending to eat it from your plate that doing the naughty of feeding the dog under the table, slipping the pill to them, too. A friend recommended proctoring...that is, hiring someone else to trick. 

Then there's YouTube.

I'm laughing. There's got to be a better solution! This just didn't work.

So this morning, I tried something new. As I made my breakfast, stirring around the kitchen, I kept buttering a bagel with peanut butter while making her shake and give me her paw. This seemed to work, although she'd still spit the pill out, in which I'd use more peanut butter. 

I have four more days of pills to give. 

The good news is after this morning ritual she went right to her canned food and ate. Joy.

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