Saturday, March 6, 2021

Hip Hip Hooray! Papa Butch is 79 Today! The Grape Ape Has Earned the Right To Bang His Chest and Roar!

In upstate New York, today, there will be pies, grapes, and maybe a beer or two in honor of my father's 79th birthday. One more year to the big 80-Matey (same year I'll be Nifty Fifty). I posted this picture because we both have the same sweater (except mine is gray and red). Chitunga, however, has the same one in blue.

I hope Nikki and Ma will put Butch in a headset, so he can sing along with You-Tube, crooning to his favorite tunes. I also wish Glamis and I could have made it up there, as I know there's nothing she enjoys more than laying on Dad's lap looking out to the neighborhood to investigate every bird, car, dog-walker, and runner. She enjoys her role as executive deputy to the Mayor of Cherry Heights. 

And good news! After $$$ a day at the vets yesterday, and several tests, nothing horrendous was found. Her upset stomach and weight loss (14 pounds) is of worry, but they didn't find anything immediate, so started to treat her for an acute appendicitis, hoping to calm her stomach down and take care of any infections. 

My wallet is now sick, but she should be on the up and up. She enjoyed, I believe, fish and chips with Jake last night (well, she had his dog food), and lying in front of the fireplace while the adults sang songs and drank a few Friday brews. 

It's gray down here this morning, and I got up early to set myself on track for all needing to be accomplished. Two cups of mocha in, I think I'm awake enough to tackle the day.

Happy Birthday, Dad! I love you, and we're sending your our hugs (and a lick from Glamis). We'll be calling a little later!

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