Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Fifty Days Out Until Fifty, so Committing to 50-Minutes of Intentional Movement (Sweating) & 50% More Healthy Decision-Making. Feel Free to Join Me

It was right before my birthday last year that I ran my last 5K. I've walked some since, but I haven't run them. Why? The body as it ages is no joke: returned hernia, severe leg cramps, a stabbed eye, then a snapped ankle with a boot. It's very easy for me to say, "It's been a year, alright."

We're currently 50 days away until my 50th and I'm in the mindset to cease the holiday garbage feasting. It's not that I go insane in December, but I do know that there's more easy-to-grab treats on every table. In the end, it simply feels miserable to have so much food, booze, and munchies around every corner. I hate it, especially because it also weighs on the head, and mentally I feel lethargic, grumpy, foggy, and not myself.

I'm not saying I will get my running stamina back because I'm not pushing for more injuries. Rather, I'm committing to movement 50-minutes a day for the next 50 days (which isn't impossible, since I usually walk an hour every day with the dog). I do, however, want to sweat more, and I'm even thinking about joining a yoga studio. I need to feel stretched and flexible, much more so than the past year of injuries has allowed. 

Yesterday, on the phone with Susie-Q in Pensacola, I told her my plan: elliptical, rowing, walking, maybe running, just sweating is what I'm after. She said, "I'm in. 50 for 50."

So that is what I want for my birthday. I want everyone who finds this to be a viable option to simply dedicate the next 50 days to a healthier you: more stretching, more vegetables, better proportions, more movement, better decision-making, and fresher air. It is likely to be miserable the next two months (that's why I got cross-country skis last year), but I'm setting my plan into motion. Physical health equates to mental health.

50 days of 50-minute sweating intervals until I'm 50 (with 50% better decision making for my health...whatever I interpret that to mean). 

50/50/50/50 - Maybe I should have a 50/50 raffle, too. Everyone can send me $10, and of those, I will draw a name. 50% will go to the winer. The other 50% will go towards a birthday party. 

I still can't believe the big five-uh-oh is around the corner, but we'll do with it what we can.

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