Wednesday, December 15, 2021

PAMMAPAMP, 2022 - Last Class for the Semester, Exhausted, and In the Tradition of Teaching Writing, a Final Poem to Tie It All Together

I've been telling many this semester, I'm used to being tired and exhausted at this point. With that noted, this year I'm EXTREMELY tired and exhausted. Like, I'm almost numb from it all. Even in class last night as I tried to run the final workshop, I had to admit, "I'm delirious. This semester wiped me out."

Ah, but the cake was delivered, a student brought incredible Thai food to class, we ate, we worked, we appreciated, and we said goodnight. 

So, mid-week, a humpday, I offered a traditional acrostic for my students, Crandall style.


A 5-Stanza Poem

Bryan Ripley Crandall


M emories. are fickle sprites, buzzing around in

A lignment of meaning and stardust -

P ainted dreams with flashbacks of

P eople, places, and things (are we nouns) we once knew.

I am, because we are. In this together. Just one community

N estled for a moment in serendipitous spaces,

G rouped as allies, amped as a team, this temporary tribe.

A nd so he we are as the results of another semester…

M ore seeds planted in gardens we’ve yet to see, more

P layfulness and tomfoolery of words, brain turds, and

I magination, as we read the word & the world, both

N ear and far, naming what it is we think we know.

G iants provide these shoulders. Upon them we stand.


A nd there are always Fairfield turkeys.

L ollygagging poultry gobbling at our purposes in

L ife. These parking spaces can be a lot,

Y et there are always songs for protection.

F riendship, I believe, is like this, too.

R elationships built from family, friends, and the

E xistence (persistence) of what the tea leaves tell  us —-

E nter the road. There’s a box, some tress, a key. We

L ook to the Tarot for answers…the signs, the semiotics. Coincidence

A nd chance. What am I supposed to learn from this?

N othing? Everything? What about this Connecticut, or the

D eleware, the Maryland, and the Virginia. Is this what the story is about?


P eople. They rush everywhere, each with their own secret care.

A nd I can’t help but hum that song along the Mersey,

M i fe está con los grandes.

E verywhere, The Whatever, the ferries carrying

L aughter, pain, nostalgia, hope, and surprise…
A ll the joy of perros cachorros. La

M agia llega de la punta de los dedos 

A s these ideas, thoughts, and possibilities 

D rip from my mind to these fingertips,

R eminding me (you/us) “We write to know what we think,”

I nternalizing ourselves externally upon the page (sometimes with rage),

G radually unraveling exactly who we are…what we might be…

A cross blank canvases we become, stunning, allowing

L anguage to weave a voice of one with the humanity of many.


M emories may lie, sure, but they also offer elm trees.

I, for one, believe in the bark beetle, the canopy and the roots.
M ens sana in corpore sano, and
I love sounds that embody eternity.

L ook at shorelines, how the waves lap

O ver and over again with a cosmic rhythm, stars bathe

U nder sunlight and, sometimes, beam from Mr. Moon.

G rowth depends on this. Seeing. Thinking. Reflection.
H arvesting these memories with such tides, creating music & singing
L yrics to live by. Longing to be amused. Entertained.
I n the end, we might live forever through the
N otebooks we leave behind. These thoughts. The sketches. Such possibilities.


C ollectively, we’ve become. We are. We were. We will be.
O n Tuesday afternoons (or is that evenings?) we have
M apped and amped temporary blueprints …
P lanning, printing, drafting, believing, and revising for a while.
O h, the places, Seuss, we went…the places still to go.
S o… it comes to a finale, or is that a beginning,
I n the exact moment when we were just getting the party started.

N ow we need lights, more pens, even better questions for the
G atherings of students we’ve still to meet…but whom we’ll touch.

T ommorow and tomorrow and tomorrow,
O h, that’s the way it goes, Macbeth, these tales (I’m such an idiot),
G o in tandem with the temporary bonds of time, the
E xistential randomness of the single moment, the ever-evolving
T ask of asking, “Who am I? Who are you? Who are we together?”
H ere, however, in this fork in the road,
E ach of us. One spoon (maybe a knife) to empty the ocean. Teaching,
R eaching forward with the power of our words. Write?

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