Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Birthdays are Love Letters. The Older I Get (especially because of Facebook) the More Nostalgic and Reflective I Get

It's always nice when a birthday lands NOT on a workday, which is NOT what happened this year. I had a full day yesterday and couldn't quite process the celebration until around 7 p.m.. Over the week, boxes arrived from friends and family, which I stored to the side for the 49th celebration. Chitunga suggested we go out to eat, but my recommendation was to wait until we both have more flexibility in our schedules. Both of us had been working since 7 a.m. - if we go out, I want to enjoy it and not fall asleep over my salad bowl. Besides, Edem handed over a bottle of bourbon before he went to his night shift. 

Highlights of the day were seeing that the beaks I distributed were put to use (as I now have an array of songs from cluckheads. The whole thing quacked me up). I also received The Love Letter by Anika Aldamury Denise (illustrated by Lucy Ruth Cummins) from Susan in Florida, which is a wonderful reminder that putting love into the world is the ultimate gift. Love begets love. The more you can distribute, the more it returns. Yesterday's posts, videos, and mailings were a prime example of this. I thoroughly enjoyed my evening with 100s of notes. Perfect for watching This is Us, which remains one of the best shows on television...happy it was an episode that didn't make me sob (like they usually do).

Today, my mind is on meetings to the 10th degree and thoughts/prayers for my family in upstate New York. This morning, the sun is immensely bright and the skies are wonderfully blue. I don't think the balmy 50 degree temperatures of yesterday are returning, as the cold front entered last night. Running yesterday was heaven - a true taste of spring and summer (which I know I need to package back up again, otherwise I'll get depressed as March rolls in). 

What's this, you say? Another storm is on its way? Bring it on. I have my skis and, because of Kris and Dave, a fridge full of beer. I now have a lifetime supply of socks from Casey and Dave, too. 

Feeling grateful. 

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