Saturday, February 20, 2021

Yes. I Cut My Hair. But This Was Me Yesterday Symbolically Putting Out Dumpster Fire After Dumpster Fire.

I should always known that when there's a day wide open without scheduled meetings and obligations, that as I buttered my toast and sipped my first coffee, the emergencies would start to arrive. 

  1. Incompletes with grade changes that never went through while I was on sabbatical.
  2. CWP website that can't be updated because...well, I guess it's because the web-browser I used is no longer compatible. Don't get me started. Because we are an ORG I pay to have professional support so changes like this won't be difficult. Um, it was difficult.
  3. Because I'm CWP's Director and have no assistance, not even a graduate student this year, I have been negligent about checking the CWP computer. I brought that downstairs. I keep forgetting I have to do that job, too.
  4. WorkDay. Okay, it's supposed to help out, but there is a system for in-person work, and protocols from work-from-home, none which were explained. You have to write emails to get clarification and tone (well, misspellings, typos, and trite responses, are hard to interpret). 
  5. I believe stay-at-home lifestyles have more people inquiring about more information on programs, so you find yourself suddenly creating rooms to discuss with possible candidates (this is a good thing).
  6. Grants.
  7. Research projects. 
  8. Email.
  9. Grading.
  10. A Barfing Dog
And that was my Friday yesterday. Nothing on the plate and at 11 p.m. I was like, "I can't do any more. My brain is shot. I didn't get outside to run, ski, or walk, which I thought was going to be my pleasure after I read a couple of books which I need to finish.

Then there's the population of magical thinkers who contact you to say things need to get done, but they don't do anything towards it. Let me have you created it and when I have edits, I will send it back. When you're done, I will take credit for you. Okay? Does this sound good. I mean, I am the one who asked you to do this for me and my I get the applause. Deal?   Human beings are a species, I tell you. I will leave it at that.

It's Saturday. I planned to get groceries yesterday (nope), planned to cook yesterday (nada), did do one load of laundry yesterday (anticipated three), and now have to catch up on how yesterday wiped me off the planet. There is, of course, the reality that without State/Federal grant support for CWP over the last two years, a new structure made the request yesterday, "What State and Federal grant support do you need?" Well, easy for me, I sent the trajectory of accomplishments (and failures) since 2011, because I chart it. Trouble is, that format didn't fit the survey they created.

Email. I sent them a mini-documentary via email of how we built a great program, but lost all that when a decision was made that a grant officer was no longer needed.

There will be a day where I simply say, "Um. This is just bonkers." I say it now, but at some point I will act on the insanity and disappear from it. 

The Gods Must Be Crazy.

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