Tuesday, February 23, 2021

When You Can, You Must: A Celebration Applauding a Clean Living Room, Although There's No Way It Will Last

Who was up at 7 a.m. on ZOOM yesterday? Who finished ZOOM at 10 p.m.? 

Good. Then you will understand what I accomplished yesterday when I pretended to take toilet breaks. The living room was picked up, dusted, vacuumed, rearranged, and de-haired (for 15-minutes, anyway). 

I kept looking in the backdrop of my day thinking (otherwise the Mt. Pleasant landscape that others see), "Oh, it looks like your backdrop is representing the facade of who you are...that is good. It looks like you actually de-cluttered and were domestic over the weekend."

Look at that. Coordinated. Clear. Light. Open.

Don't let it fool you. It will be a shit show in 3...2...1.

How do I know this? Well, I spent 4 hours yesterday driving copies of books to K-12 schools because (a) they don't have budgets for decent books and (b) I play games. You want me to do what? Okay. Sure. I will do your 'what' if you'll fund me books for kids. 

Robin Hood bartering. Reminding the haves to invest in what they talk incessantly and holding them accountable to putting action to their words. It's a game. 

And I taught all day...also visited colleagues who teach in their own ZOOMs. I offered critical friendship (because that is the way we roll).

Yes, I teach again today. This is what it's about.

But my living room is clean and I will take pride in that. I will also take pride that I made incredible rice pilaf and almonds for dinner. Have to finger snap something different. A new flavor is always good. 

Suns out. Books piled for todays writing and planning. Coffee in the mug. Raisin Bran to my side. Happy Tuesday. Another day in paradise. 

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