Thursday, February 11, 2021

Hi. I'm Bryan. It's Thursday. I Have No Idea If the Sun is Coming Out Today. Maybe It Came Out Yesterday. I Don't Know. I'm too Busy Working

Yesterday morning, in an exchange with the incredible, wonderful, and inspirational Dr. Marcelle Haddix of Syracuse University, I told her I was listening to a morning song to give me oomph and hope for the rest of the day, and sure enough, it just so happened to be Dee Dee and the Five Steps, "O-O-H Child." I'm not sure how the song was on my radar, but it's what I was  up and singing all day yesterday.

Hope. Light. Possibility. Optimism.

Phew. To counter Ugly. Dark. Restraints. Pessimism

These are the eight words I think about regularly with a job in higher education. Alas, I digress. I will sing and try to do what is best for the kids, teachers, and the world while I work in the business apparatus of exploitation, swindling, money-making, funds, and the grand-ol' capitalistic heart of what we do....deliver degrees to those willing to pay for one.

All under the umbrella for equity, diversity, and inclusivity. Bring on the commercial. We all know what this is about in higher education. Hypocrisy.

Meanwhile, I really, really do like the song and mission of what on-the-ground, dedicated, focused, and good-natured professionals do - those that put actions to words. It's beyond con-artistry. It's the work. Anyone who has their eyes open, understands K-12 schooling, and wants the best for the world will see it bright and clear. The sun doesn't lie.

But, we have to deal with all the nonsense of everyone else. 

O-o-h, Child. Things are going to get better. That's the hope. 

Another day of non-stop meetings, and attempt to focus on my focus. I trust good work. I believe in doing what it is right. Everyone else can play their games and claim their claim, but in the end, it's the actions that speak loudest. Today, as always, I'm choosing sunshine, even if we are expected to get more snow. 

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