Friday, February 5, 2021

I Might Be a Little Over-Sensitive About Returning to Post-Sabbatical Campus Life, But I Think It is Probably Good I'll Be Working From Home

I've learned to take a photo of my LiveSafe App confirmation, because I've learned that the APP has practically killed me the three times I've been on campus. Obviously, you're not supposed to text while driving, so I've learned to pull over in a neighborhood outside of campus, so I can put in all my digits and materials before I pull up to the gate. The problem is, twice the App has closed down as I turned from North Benson Avenue to the front gates and I've lost the confirmation, which throws me off. I have to reenter, which is a distraction for the cars behind me. 

So, when I get the approval check mark, I now do a screen shot, so it will be there when I pull up. It's sort of dangerous to enter materials while driving, and because you only have a short window of a few seconds, you need to rush. Not sure that is the best engineering for an App that requires you to fill out in the car, but it is what it is. I can only imagine the number of people having the same experience, entering the email and answering the questions as they drive towards campus. A prompt for distracted driving, indeed.

As I pulled over to enter my material, I also noticed I had a long, gray nose hair that grew overnight. This happens in mid-life...these stray white eels that fly out of my nose begging to be plucked, which I did. I knew I was going to get a Covid test, and supervision of my nostrils was likely.

The University was very efficient with the on-campus tests, even if it was sort of disgusting. I'm not really around crowds much these days, so as I waited in line where 5 of us were being called in at a time, I was a little uncomfortable. Sure, grocery stores have similar crowds, but we aren't all nasal probing together.  We were separated to five different tables and asked to blow our noses excessively, which was probably smart, except that there were barrels and barrels of used tissues. They were overflowing with snot rags. Holy Boogers, Batman. Absolutely gross.

We were signed in with our IDs, and I believe the friendly and efficient students were work studies. They were delightful, helpful, and focused. They are seeing it all. Then, I'm guessing a nursing student called us each to a separate table where we administered the nasal swab with circular motions in each nostril, only to be sealed in a tube and put into a bee-hive, cone-like apparatus. Nose gunk galore in tubes. And having a Q-tip an inch deep in the nostrils is such a beautiful feeling.

I was thankful for hand sanitizer every step of the way. 

I stopped by my office and the CWP office to check on mail, and when I got to the CWP office, I found the door wide open. I noticed a walkie talkie in there and paperwork for someone else. I am wondering if they are renting out spaces to make a little cash on the side. Of course I reported it. The CWP phone was also missing, but all the materials purchased for schools and kid were still there. It is a closet, so many during Covid, others need to have access. I don't know.

I came home and felt like I needed another Covid test. I'm not the heebie jeebies sort, but I've been fortunate to be away and teaching online, so my interaction with others in physical spaces has been very limited. I am feeling okay, but was rather grossed out by the whole ordeal - the booger ballet - that took place in the RecPlex.

I suppose my dreams about bathing in lime yogurt and slime last night were rightfully triggered. Phew. Human Beings. God Bless, Us. Human Beings.

And the good news? 24-hours later the test came back negative.

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