Sunday, February 7, 2021

Time for Storm Number Three - Hoping for a New Coat of White Stuff, but Would Love to Have K-12 Schools in Session on Monday

I'm not sure if my Saturday was successful or not. I enjoyed a long, long walk with Glamis, did a lot of CWP work all morning, delivered a few books to people here and there, and did get groceries, although the northeast must think it's Armageddon, because they cleaned out all the shelves. That, and the line to get in was all the way around the building and into the parking lot. I got there just before that crazy happened.

Today, it's back to planning for (a) if we can meet with our 4th grade partners or (b) if we have to do with out them (once again). February is always a fun month for collaborations in Connecticut. 

We're stocked up for the week, however, and all should be well, although I have ZOOM meetings all day long and into the evenings every day. 

I'm dressed like Nanook of the North in anticipation I will be outside taking care of whatever falls to the ground. The winter doldrums are definitely building up...not that I'm bored, but because I'm sick of cooking, looking at life through a window, and wanting to congregate with others in non-screen ways. 

But I have this morning to sit still, plan, organize, write, and gather my universe for the week. Even if I was productive yesterday, my brain physically stopped functioning at 6 p.m. and all I could do is stare into space, until Chitunga came downstairs to join me for a movie. Sometimes we need mindlessness so we can be more mindful when it is needed. 

We watched The Love Birds, a romantic comedy adventure where a couple, an Indian man and African American woman in New Orleans, find a rut in their relationship (only to cut it off) at the exact moment they hit a man with their car. Then the story begins. As I said to Tunga, "There's some amazing writers behind this one." It was quirky, funny, brilliantly performed, and just what I needed on a Saturday night - that's what the weekend ordered. 

And there's a game tonight, which should make for entertainment and background noise. I'm still mad that when I turned on the U of L/Syracuse game it was canceled because of positive Covid cases for the Cards. This is looking like year two without a basketball groove to get into. 

Phew. We're quickly approaching the year mark.

But now the snow is falling. I set out to run a 5K and then decided it'd be smarter to walk the dog, so she gets exercise, too. There is much black ice out there and we almost wiped out five or six times. It's a pretty snow, thick and fluffy, and it's coming down at a nice pace. Unlike last week's storm, it isn't windy, so the white-outs are fewer. 

Okay...I am thinking I might write for 6 hours and then ski before dinner. Happy Sunday. 

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